
The Ascent to Truth is unavailable, but you can change that!

In this book, Thomas Merton writes that God himself is truth, and this is the truth people must seek. Merton expresses that contemplation—a supernatural experience of God—is an important aspect of seeking the summit of truth. This book defines the nature of the contemplative experience, describes the necessary interior exercise which precedes it, and illustrates mature contemplation. Merton’s...

Clear as Saint John of the Cross may be, he is so drastic that many people are convinced he is preaching a kind of Manichaean dualism, as if nature were evil in itself, as if creatures could never be anything but obstacles to union with God. But the strict logic of Saint John is unimpeachable. On the one hand he affirms, without reservation, that the desire of creatures as ends in themselves cannot coexist with the desire of God as our true end. We cannot serve God and Mammon. And when our minds
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